The BigStick's Portal

Your key to The BigStick's Branch

Sites Part of the Branch

Status Page

Merch Store


Copyright© 2024 All Rights Reserved
The BigStick's Portal and are both part of The BigStick's Branch

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BigStick's Information and Regulations

BigSticks Regulations and Information
I; Privacy: Any information entered into the site is encrypted with SSL Certification. All information is protected from attackers and BigSticks has no way of accessing your information.
II; Website Copyright: Any attempts to copy the website design 1:1, are in violation of the United States Copyright and Patent Law and will cause you to face consequence. This goes for all sites apart of the Branch, and all merch stores.
III; Quote Submissions: All Submitted quotes must follow these rules:
1. Are appropriate
2. Can not target a specific group of people
3. No racism, sexism, homophobia or anything else that disrespect peoples beliefs or personal life styles.
4. Do not enter any sensitive information into quote submissions, such as credit cards, phone numbers, passwords, etc.
IV; Additional Info: BigSticks is not a registered company, however as mentioned in "Website Copyright," we hold the rights to domain names, website designs, and simple copyright on the Honan 2044 logo.(We do not have rights to the BigStick's logo yet.) Even though does not have many interactive principles, any misuse of the website, can result in problems.

The Big Seven

The Founders



"The bigger the stick, the harder it fell."

Coming from humble beginnings, Myles is one of the two Co-Founders of BigStick's. As the President, Site Manager, and Store Manager, he continues to lead BigStick's into a new era, alongside his Co-Founder. Taking inspiration from various people such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, he one day hopes to work with the team, and grow into a fully operational company.

From inventing the lightbulb, to being one of the two
Co-Founders of BigStick's, Elliott was the genius behind the entire idea of BigStick's. His brain has not yet slowed as he continues to come up with stupid ideas, in which some are yet to be released to the public. After leaving BigStick's for some time, he was brought back as the Head of the Committee for some time, and then was sent back to the top to his original position, as Vice President.


Vice President

"It does not make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do, like"
-Steve Jobs

Now The Other Five


Director of Business Development

"To have or not to have a BigStick, that is the question."




Director of Finances

"Sticks are the foundation of something more."


Director of Store Management and Design





Director of Web Design

"Never let the fear of sticking out get in your way."


Director of Marketing



And Don't Forget The Others,


Head of Janitorial Services


Assistant Janitor


Emotional Support Dog

Last But Not Least, Read the Story

We remember the day, oh so vividly. The 2 Founders, were learning about North American Colonization. And once class break time came around, well, they had an idea. Elliott started coming up with terrible ideas, but eventually he came up with the idea to make a company that sells sticks, a grand profitable idea. We really didn't know how to make a company, we were too young, but we decided on something easier. To just make a website, and maybe evolve it in the future. So on December 26th 2021, the domain was bought, and was born.